As many companies have already discovered, virus and malware infections are becoming more prevalent than ever regardless of the AV solutions in place. Malware continues to grow as the greatest threat to intellectual property or network assets. Most companies remain unaware of how widespread the problem is or even how much malware has propagated the network.

Most anti-virus solutions work to remove infections based on signatures that get written by anti-virus companies when malware is detected in an environment. While this technology is effective in removing threats the anti-virus solution already knows about, advanced malware has a way of morphing the instruction set once it has starting infecting the network. These advanced infections can bypass most AV solutions because quite often your malware that is affecting your network has adapted itself to your environment. This leads to quite dangerous and challenging scenarios where a clean AV scan can lead to a false sense of security. There can be numerous infected machines calling out to command and control points all over the world and establish communication that stealthily fly under the radar and may be disseminating information about your network, business processes, or valuable client information.

95% of ALL businesses and corporations house at least 1 endpoint presently compromised with malware. These infections can take on many forms, from the blatantly obvious browser redirects to invisible agents that scope out and share network resources. Either way the threat is clear and present and can grind business processes to a halt once the payload is fully deployed.

Luckily there are solutions for combating advanced malware threats, using careful and thorough inspection of network traffic, many of the communications between infected machines and control centers can be halted. Halock offers a complete advanced malware threat assessment that can reveal all the channels that different rogue machines may be using to share information about your network. We can help you develop a game plan to stay ahead of advanced malware threats and bring to light vulnerabilities from this growing threat to business and corporate networks.