Cindy Kaplan2025-02-17T16:58:11+00:00Categories: Duty of Care Risk Assessment (DoCRA), Events, Governance & Risk Management, PCI Compliance|
Managing AI Risks in Organizational Adoption and Usage
The Heist
It started with an email. (more…)
What are DeepFakes?
Before getting too invested in your online connection, ensure it’s not a DeepFake. (more…)
Are you Keeping an Inventory of Cipher Suites and Certificates for the New PCI DSS?
We recently discussed the required cataloging of your organization’s software for the (more…)
The Silent Threat: How PCI DSS 4.0.1 Tackles Service Account Vulnerabilities
While organizations rightly prioritize protecting employee accounts from cybersecurity threats, particularly those with (more…)
Satisfying the SAQ-A Eligibility Criteria Update
Are You Outsourcing eCommerce?
Our recent article PCI SSC Updates SAQ A: Removal (more…)
The New PCI DSS v4.0.1 Software Catalog Mandate: Are You Ready?
Some of the 51 future dated requirements of the new PCI DSS (more…)
Compromised Credential Leads to Major Educational Data Leak Powerschool
K-12 schools manage vast amounts of sensitive personal information about students and educators. (more…)