Safeguard Your Organization from Cybersecurity Liabilities
To protect businesses from cybersecurity liabilities, HALOCK Security Labs works to ensure that cybersecurity programs meet technical and legal standards, using Duty of Care Risk Analysis (DoCRA). This comprehensive approach minimizes your exposure to legal action and regulatory scrutiny, providing you with the peace of mind that your organization is well-prepared to handle any potential cybersecurity threats.
HALOCK’s partner, Reasonable Risk, offers a platform that (more…)
Cyber Security Consulting Services Provider of the Year
HALOCK Security Labs is a finalist for:
Cyber Security Consulting Services Provider of the Year
Intelligent Insurer’s Cyber Insurance Awards USA 2025
The Cyber Insurance Awards Program seeks to honor the outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations that have significantly raised the bar in managing cyber risk. The awards (more…)
Lloyd’s of London to Exclude Catastrophic Nation-Backed Cyberattacks from Insurance Coverage by 2023
Market Bulletin
In a market bulletin published on August 16, 2022, while stating that it “remains strongly supportive of the writing of cyberattack cover”, Lloyd’s stated that it recognizes that “cyber-related business continues to be an evolving risk.” As a result, (more…)
The Spiraling Costs and Challenges of Cybersecurity Insurance
Prices are rising everywhere. It’s doubtful however that anything has increased in price as much as cybersecurity insurance premiums in the past couple of years.
Covering the Bases to Get Cyber Insurance
There has been a 273% increase in records exposed compared to last year. It makes sense that more organizations are pursuing cyber security insurance to minimize their cost impact. (more…)