Who is Responsible for a Data Breach or Reasonable Security?
Who is Responsible for a Data Breach or a Reasonable Security Strategy? “While accountability starts with the CEO and corporate board, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility across every function and level of an organization.”
CIS RAM (Risk Assessment Method): This Math Will Save You
Join us at the Cyber Security Summit in Chicago and see CIS RAM (Risk Assessment Method): This Math Will Save You. HALOCK Security Labs is a proud sponsor and speaker of the event. (more…)
Data Breach Litigation: Prepare for the Worst Case Scenario
Prepare for the worst – These words of wisdom are apropos in most aspects of life, especially when it comes to cyber security matters for your organization. (more…)
NetDiligence® Cyber Risk Summit: Getting to Reasonable Security
HALOCK partner Chris Cronin will be moderating a NetDiligence® Cyber Risk Summit panel on reasonable security. The panel includes industry experts on risk based analysis process and legal, regulatory and security best practices. Attend the event to learn how to best establish ‘duty of care’ for cybersecurity. (more…)
CIS RAM (Risk Assessment Method) Launch & Webinar
CIS RAM (Center for Internet Security® Risk Assessment Method) is an information security risk assessment method that helps organizations implement and assess their security posture against the CIS Controls™ cybersecurity best practices. CIS RAM, a free tool, provides step-by-step instructions, examples, templates, and exercises for conducting a cyber risk assessment. (more…)
CIS Controls 7 CIS RAM
CIS RAM (Center for Internet Security® Risk Assessment Method) was developed by HALOCK Security Labs in partnership with CIS. HALOCK had been providing CIS RAM methods for several years with a positive response from legal authorities, regulators, attorneys, business executives, and technical leaders. (more…)
We Just Gave Away Our Cyber Security Intellectual Property. It was the right thing to do.
Why a Chicago-Based Cyber Security Firm Just Released its Prized IP.
By Chris Cronin, ISO 27001 Auditor, Partner (more…)