Are Your Security Devices HIPAA Compliant?
Would you be surprised to learn that there is no HIPAA requirement that tells organizations to use a firewall? How about an intrusion detection system (IDS)? Nope. And no requirements for a data loss prevention tool (DLP) either, or a proxy server, or even a security information and event management system (SIEM).
Risk Acceptance Levels: Managing the Lower Limits of Security Costs
Last week I presented a topic here at Halock’s blog site on the Hand Rule, also known as the “Calculus of Negligence.” The basic message of the post was that we can use information risk assessments to help us keep our security costs to a reasonable (more…)
If HIPAA Compliance Seems Too Hard … Then You’re Doing it Wrong. Here are the Basics of Doing it Right.
In April of 2013 the Office of Civil Rights, the branch of the Department of Health and Human Services that oversees compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule, started releasing analysis from their (more…)
HIPAA Security Rule and Fines
Maintaining HIPAA compliance use to not have much teeth behind it. Times have changed, however, as the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) is too well aware. (more…)
Reasonable and Appropriate Data Security
Reasonable and Appropriate Data Security – An interesting case that the FTC filed recently (June 26, 2012) against a well-known hotel chain. (Names omitted for the purposes of this blog.) Notice the similarities to the PCI DSS requirements. (more…)
PCI Level 2 Non-Compliance, Mastercard’s New Rules
I have had many questions on the topic of compliance for Level II PCI Merchants that are transitioning from a SAQ (self-assessment questionnaire) to an On-site audit with a Report on Compliance (ROC). Many are concerned with the prospect that (more…)