Virtual Cyber Security Summit 2020 Denver
Be Our Guest. The Fourth Annual Denver Cyber Security Summit goes virtual as it connects C-Suite & Senior Executives responsible for protecting their companies’ critical infrastructures with innovative solution providers and renowned information security experts. (more…)
Covering the Bases to Get Cyber Insurance
There has been a 273% increase in records exposed compared to last year. It makes sense that more organizations are pursuing cyber security insurance to minimize their cost impact. (more…)
Can Duty of Care Risk Analysis (DoCRA) tell you if your cybersecurity controls are reasonable?
Kip Boyle, CEO of Cyber Risk Opportunities, and Jake Bernstein, JD and CyberSecurity Practice Lead at Focal Law Group, discusses DoCRA – Duty of Care Risk Analysis. (more…)
Virtual Cyber Security Summit 2020 Chicago
Be Our Guest. The Fifth Annual Chicago Cyber Security Summit goes virtual as it connects C-Suite & Senior Executives responsible for protecting their companies’ critical infrastructures with innovative solution providers and renowned information security experts. (more…)
OCIE Warns Public Companies, SEC Registrants, Financial Institutions at Risk of Ransomware Attacks
The Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) Cybersecurity Risk Alert reported increased ransomware attacks to SEC registrants (broker-dealers, investment advisers, and investment companies) and potentially service providers – especially if they maintain client assets or registrant records. Companies should be aware of the potential risks they face. (more…)
Data Privacy Challenges for COVID-19 Contact Tracing Technology
One common theme that many of our articles have stressed is that people are the most susceptible to phishing, business email compromise (BEC) and other types of social media attacks in times of crisis. (more…)
Cyber Incidents are Increasing. Are You Covered?
Cyber-attacks happen. And they are happening more frequently and leaving more damage in their wake. What can you do to minimize that impact? (more…)
There’s Been an Incident! What’s the Plan?
2020 has been quite a year so far, surfacing security vulnerabilities many were unprepared for. Cyber attackers took advantage of new remote working environments as well as our fear and uncertainty due to COVID-19, and hit our networks hard. (more…)
FTC Workshop on GLBA Safeguards Rule
Seeking input on proposed changes to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act’s Safeguards Rule, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) conducted (more…)