State Privacy Bills Chart (so far)
Privacy legislation varies for each state, and is evolving as time passes. To help you view the status of privacy bills, here is a quick chart view of laws to date.
CAMP IT Conferences Gallery
CAMP IT produces events designed to help IT professionals understand new technologies and make the critical, strategic and tactical decisions for their enterprises. (more…)
CyberNext Summit KuppingerCole Gallery
Cybersecurity is shifting toward more distributed and dynamic models. (more…)
The Sedona Conference Working Group 11 Meeting 2019 on Reasonable Security
This September, a panel of Data Security and Privacy Liability – Working Group 11 (WG11) members led a dialogue with WG11 members at the 2019 midyear meeting: Proactive privacy and security governance: Complying with global data privacy and security regulations (more…)
Third-Party Vendors: Are You on the Same Page?
Your Vendors May Be Weak Links in Supply Chain Breaches
Cyber Security Summit Chicago – Reasonable Security in The Age of Risk
Cyber Security Summit: Risk & Reasonable
Why You Need to Take an Active Role in Your AWS Cloud Environment – One of the Largest Data Breaches
CLOUD ENVIRONMENT: The Capital One incident is one of the largest data breaches of all time, involving 100 million credit card applications and 140,000 Social Security numbers (SSNs); the bank’s stock market price took an immediate hit as company executives and IT personnel began scrambling to implement the firm’s incident response plan (IRP). (more…)
Migrating Your Legacy Firewall to a Next Generation Firewall
Every organization today needs a multi-layer security strategy to protect its enterprise from the multitude of cyber security threats that exist today; While one cannot underestimate the importance of an email security gateway, web filtering solution, or endpoint protection system, there is no question as to the prominence of an enterprise firewall. (more…)
Does Colorado Protections for Consumer Data Privacy Affect You?
If you are a business in the United States, or anywhere for that matter, its time to start taking notice at where your consumers are located; Because compliance regulations such as those implemented by the European Union, California and Colorado may apply to your organization if you hold the personal information and data of people located in those jurisdictions. (more…)