Chris Cronin at Conference
The 2019 conference is focused on 5 main topic areas which are of interest to health IT professionals at hospitals, health systems, and ambulatory organizations (more…)
Best of Breed: Cyber Awareness Champions
Download your favorite champion breed to promote cyber security awareness.
How is PCI DSS Enforced?
Unlike most regulations you may be familiar with, the PCI DSS is enforced by contract – here is a quick look at the process; learn more about how you can achieve PCI compliance.
Geting Ready for PCI DSS v4.0
PCI Software Security Framework
For businesses using PA-DSS assessed applications the time is near to start considering the new Software Security Framework that the PCI Council that will be mandated soon. (more…)
Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference
HALOCK’s Tod Ferran will be presenting, The Questions a Judge Will Ask You After a Data Breach on June 3, 2019 at the Techno Security and Digital Forensics Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.
Know Where Your Next Attack is Coming From
At the CAMP IT Conference, HALOCK’s Todd Becker, Principal Consultant, and Steve Lawn, Senior Consultant, presented “KNOW WHERE YOUR NEXT ATTACK IS COMING FROM: Attack prediction and resource prioritization using community-sourced data.”
How Prepared Are You for a Cyber Security Incident?
In the past decade we have seen companies defined by how their leadership responded to a cyber security incident. The most prominent incident is a data breach, which is becoming a too common occurrence, involving billions of people. (more…)
Does CCPA Affect You? What the 2020 Deadline Means for Reasonable Security
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and more states are shaping data privacy management for reasonable security.