2021 Cyber Trends
While large-scale transitions to our business environments changed in 2020 due to the COVID outbreak and implementation of remote work strategies, we are still forecasting how to create an adaptable security plan for the near future. Many are probably more than ready to move on to 2021 as quickly as possible, while hoping for a more stable (more…)
How Do You Manage Your Sensitive Data?
Do you know where all your valuable information resides in your organization? Do you know what valuable information resides in your organization? Not having a current data inventory can be devastating. Consider what could happen: (more…)
Skimming the Surface of Information Theft in 2020
Social distancing may have limited our physical interactions, but it also increased our electronic activities. So many of our daily pursuits are now done electronically – and some users for the first time. Although we have to disclose so much of our personal data online, cyber security is often an afterthought to the average consumer. (more…)
New Interim Rule Requires CMMC Self-Assessment by November 30, 2020
There is a new deadline that Department of Defense (DOD) contractors and vendors need to be aware of. The deadline concerns Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). (more…)
National Foundation for Judicial Excellence
2020 Annual Judicial Symposium. Law in the New Age: How Automation and Artificial Intelligence Will Change Judging in Substance and Procedure
Why Sensitive Data Scanning is so Important Today
Organizations have a lot of data; more than we realize, and it continues to grow.
Each day, we create and store all this data in our systems then pack it up and save it somewhere – just to put it away, even temporarily… until it is needed. The challenge is how to easily manage, categorize, and locate specific information (more…)
Why Financial Institutions Need Pen Testing 2020 and Beyond
The year 2020 will be known for a great many things. One of them is innovation. (more…)
Threat Forecasting – Using Open Source Data to Foresee Your Next Breach
We forecast cybersecurity threats and events not to predict the future, but to change it. Regulators and litigators all hold us accountable for knowing foreseeable threats so we can avoid them. But what is foreseeable? (more…)