HALOCK Pandemic Breaches Bulletin
Common Causes for the Recent Major Spike in Security Incidents
Make Sure You are Prepared for a Cyber Attack in 2021
As we look back at the year that was, we can say that it was one for the record books in more ways than one. The challenges that companies were forced to deal with were unique and unprecedented. The rapid move to move workers off premise and the rapid adaptation to remote work methodologies opened the door (more…)
DARK WEB MONITORING: Know how to keep your data safe
Your data could be on the dark web. The dark web is essentially a marketplace for cybercriminals. If your data has been compromised, the dark web is the place where it is traded. (more…)
Why You Need to Take an Active Role in Your AWS Cloud Environment – One of the Largest Data Breaches
CLOUD ENVIRONMENT: The Capital One incident is one of the largest data breaches of all time, involving 100 million credit card applications and 140,000 Social Security numbers (SSNs); the bank’s stock market price took an immediate hit as company executives and IT personnel began scrambling to implement the firm’s incident response plan (IRP). (more…)
How Prepared Are You for a Cyber Security Incident?
In the past decade we have seen companies defined by how their leadership responded to a cyber security incident. The most prominent incident is a data breach, which is becoming a too common occurrence, involving billions of people. (more…)
Cybersecurity Regulations: What the NYCRR 500 Deadline of March 1, 2019 Means to You
New York City is often referred to as the financial capital of the world; with the state of cybersecurity today and the increasing barrage of threats that financial related institutions must combat on a daily basis, it is no wonder that New York became the first state (more…)
Popular Cyber Attacks: Why Due Care is so Important for Reasonable Security
Popular Cyber Attacks and Due Care for Reasonable Security. As children, we enjoyed reading the many fairytales that began with, “Once upon a time.” As adults in the workplace, we regrettably read the stories of so many recent cyber attacks that start with, “Someone opened a phishing email.” (more…)
Data Breach Litigation: Prepare for the Worst Case Scenario
Prepare for the worst – These words of wisdom are apropos in most aspects of life, especially when it comes to cyber security matters for your organization. (more…)
4 Important Steps to Take When Creating an Incident Response Plan
By Erik Leach, CISSP, SCF
Imagine coming home and finding your house broken into and some of your belongings missing. As you totter from room to room, you would probably feel anger, frustrated, disturbed and a little overwhelmed. At a vulnerable moment such as that, it probably would not be the best time to engage in critical decision making (more…)
Why the Meltdown/Spectre Vulnerabilities are Important to You
Two distinct vulnerabilities dubbed Meltdown and Spectre potentially affect almost every system1. In a world that is already saturated with cyberattacks and vulnerabilities, it is easy to succumb to cyber threat fatigue when discussing two new outbreaks. Even though there have been no confirmed reports of attacks that have taken advantage of these newly exposed vulnerabilities, they are highly (more…)