Virtual Cyber Security Summit 2020 Denver
Be Our Guest. The Fourth Annual Denver Cyber Security Summit goes virtual as it connects C-Suite & Senior Executives responsible for protecting their companies’ critical infrastructures with innovative solution providers and renowned information security experts. (more…)
Virtual Cyber Security Summit 2020 Chicago
Be Our Guest. The Fifth Annual Chicago Cyber Security Summit goes virtual as it connects C-Suite & Senior Executives responsible for protecting their companies’ critical infrastructures with innovative solution providers and renowned information security experts. (more…)
Important Updates to the GLBA Safeguards Rule – How Might it Affect Your Company?
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
has been vaguely requiring financial institutions to use “reasonable” security controls since 1999. That is about to change. (more…)
What is Reasonable Cyber Security?
NetDiligence Cyber Risk Summit: What is Reasonable Cyber Security?
The panel provided an overview of the risk-based analysis process that substantiates the method, and presented the legal, regulatory, and security best-practice history that informs the method. Each participant presented why the method successfully substantiates the term “reasonable” in their work and provided anecdotes that illustrate how it has been used on (more…)
Double Duty of Care Risk Insight at CAMP IT Enterprise Risk and Security Management Conference
In today’s highly regulatory environment it is essential that you have a clear understanding of risk across the enterprise. A risk management framework can bring visibility to key business and compliance risks and enable a company to make decisions on where to prioritize its limited resources. It is through a risk management framework that real value to the business (more…)
RIMS 2020 – Risk Management Conference
HALOCK partner and The DoCRA Council Board Chair, Chris Cronin will be speaking at RIMS 2020; RIMS is the Risk Management Society’s annual conference where the risk community gathers to generate ideas and learn the latest strategies in risk management. This is the largest risk event of the year for a reason. UPDATE: RIMS has been cancelled (more…)
CAMP IT Conferences Gallery
CAMP IT produces events designed to help IT professionals understand new technologies and make the critical, strategic and tactical decisions for their enterprises. (more…)
CyberNext Summit KuppingerCole Gallery
Cybersecurity is shifting toward more distributed and dynamic models. (more…)