Penetration Testing

The Bank and Financial Sector under Siege Today

We all know it has been one heck of a year, one full of challenges at many levels. While we all contend with different types of threats across a variety of fronts, one threat that cannot be ignored is the tsunami of cyberattacks that have accelerated during the era of COVID. (more…)

Social Distancing. Social Engineering.

COVID-19 – Social distancing, remote working, telecommuting, staying-at-home – changes to our working environment can expose security vulnerabilities, especially social engineering. Bad actors view our increased digital activities as an opportunity to attack. Remind your teams of your cyber security policies and procedures. (more…)

Make Sure You are Prepared for a Cyber Attack in 2021

As we look back at the year that was, we can say that it was one for the record books in more ways than one. The challenges that companies were forced to deal with were unique and unprecedented. The rapid move to move workers off premise and the rapid adaptation to remote work methodologies opened the door (more…)

Why Breaches of Web-Facing Assets are on the Increase

Think of a hacker as an enemy attack submarine. In warfare, a submarine lurks underwater, seeking victims. It may be probing the defenses of a shipping harbor to find weaknesses that can be exploited. Hackers perform a similar strategy today as they probe the web for internet-facing assets to find easy targets to breach and exploit. (more…)

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