CRITICAL THINKING Processing All the Data
It’s easy during crisis, such as the current Covid 19 pandemic, to drop our critical thinking skills and become overwhelmed with the current events. (more…)
Social Distancing. Social Engineering.
COVID-19 – Social distancing, remote working, telecommuting, staying-at-home – changes to our working environment can expose security vulnerabilities, especially social engineering. Bad actors view our increased digital activities as an opportunity to attack. Remind your teams of your cyber security policies and procedures. (more…)
4 Reasons Why Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) Should Be Reviewed
As people “Stay at Home” and work remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations have an increased reliance on external partners, suppliers, and third party vendors to keep their businesses running. For some companies, this may be the first time their employees worked outside of their office, without the benefit of established cyber security policies for working from home. (more…)
Covid-19 Does Not Exempt Compliance nor Security Obligations
While companies are consumed with the task of implementing remote work strategies in response to the COVID-19 crisis, it is critical to remember one thing: No matter how chaotic things get, Coronavirus does not exempt you from your industry or government compliancy obligations such as HIPAA, CCPA and PCI DSS. It also does not release you (more…)
RSA Conference Speaker Session Securing the Budget
RSAC 2020: Jim Mirochnik presents Securing the Budget You Need! Translating Security Risks to Business Impacts.
Let’s Connect at RSA Conference 2020
HALOCK Security Labs is a proud speaker and sponsor at RSA 2020. If you are attending, let’s meet up – we have three set events we hope you can join.
Double Duty of Care Risk Insight at CAMP IT Enterprise Risk and Security Management Conference
In today’s highly regulatory environment it is essential that you have a clear understanding of risk across the enterprise. A risk management framework can bring visibility to key business and compliance risks and enable a company to make decisions on where to prioritize its limited resources. It is through a risk management framework that real value to the business (more…)
Foley Health Care Law Today HIPAA Risk Analysis 2.0 Duty of Care Risk Analysis
In this episode of Health Care Law Today, Foley Partner Jen Rathburn sits down with Terry Kurzynski, founder of HALOCK Security Labs on the Duty of Care Risk Analysis, especially as it pertains to health care.
How DoCRA and CIS RAM can provide a DevSecOps Environment
Cybersecurity is not a Band-Aid – It’s not about treating a symptom, but taking in the entire environment for a wholistic diagnosis and solution. (more…)