What is Duty of Care?
What is ‘Reasonable’? The background of how ‘duty of care’ arose as an important element of security and risk planning.
Privacy is Now Intertwined in Everything
As technologies advance in our fast-paced world, our activities and information are being constantly collected and monitored – so what is ‘privacy’? (more…)
RIMS 2020 – Risk Management Conference
HALOCK partner and The DoCRA Council Board Chair, Chris Cronin will be speaking at RIMS 2020; RIMS is the Risk Management Society’s annual conference where the risk community gathers to generate ideas and learn the latest strategies in risk management. This is the largest risk event of the year for a reason. UPDATE: RIMS has been cancelled (more…)
DARK WEB MONITORING: Know how to keep your data safe
Your data could be on the dark web. The dark web is essentially a marketplace for cybercriminals. If your data has been compromised, the dark web is the place where it is traded. (more…)
What is the Meaning of This?
As the cybersecurity industry grows, so do the concepts and terms to help us manage security policies and business objectives. This edition of ‘What is the Meaning of This?’ focuses on duty of care, reasonableness, and CIS RAM.
CAMP IT Conferences Gallery
CAMP IT produces events designed to help IT professionals understand new technologies and make the critical, strategic and tactical decisions for their enterprises. (more…)
CyberNext Summit KuppingerCole Gallery
Cybersecurity is shifting toward more distributed and dynamic models. (more…)