Herff Jones: Graduation Purchases Lead to a Data Breach and a $4.35 Million Settlement
Herff Jones has been in business for over a century, selling graduation products such as caps and gowns, class rings and yearbooks to students and their (more…)
What is “Reasonable Data Security”?
In Archive360’s Podcast Episode 29: What is “Reasonable Data Security”?, Bill Tolson and Chris Cronin, Partner, Governance and Engineering Practice at HALOCK Security Labs try and define “reasonable data security” – a term that continually appears in every states’ privacy law or proposed legislation. But what is “reasonable data security”? Today, there is no prescriptive definition for “reasonable data security”. (more…)
‘Reasonable Security’ News and Headlines
A review of recent developments and news on ‘reasonable security’ and the impact on the cybersecurity industry. Stay updated to see how they could affect your organization.
Reasonable Security: Getting on the same page
As regulations and privacy laws require ‘reasonable security’, we are seeing more organizations focusing on their duty of care to all interested parties. We are finding more references to ‘reasonableness’ in breach litigation and security programs. The goal is to have all relevant teams involved in analyzing the appropriate risk for your unique business environment. It is a positive sign that there are (more…)
Reasonable Security in the News
Recent developments and news on ‘reasonable security’ Understand how these updates may impact your risk and security strategies.
The MER Conference: Defining “Reasonable Security Measures” When it Comes to Data Protection
HALOCK partner and The DoCRA Council Board Chair Chris Cronin presented at The MER Conference 2022 on the significant requirement of ‘reasonable security’.