Virtual Cyber Security Summit 2020 Chicago
Be Our Guest. The Fifth Annual Chicago Cyber Security Summit goes virtual as it connects C-Suite & Senior Executives responsible for protecting their companies’ critical infrastructures with innovative solution providers and renowned information security experts. (more…)
Third-Party Crashers: Recent Data Breaches Targeting Vendors and Service Providers
Thank goodness we have partners, suppliers, contractors, and third-party service providers to keep our businesses operating smoothly. But let’s make sure that your security postures are aligned – your partners serve as an extension of your business and it is your duty to ensure they are secure and in compliance with your standards as well as (more…)
Data Privacy Challenges for COVID-19 Contact Tracing Technology
One common theme that many of our articles have stressed is that people are the most susceptible to phishing, business email compromise (BEC) and other types of social media attacks in times of crisis. (more…)
Cyber Incidents are Increasing. Are You Covered?
Cyber-attacks happen. And they are happening more frequently and leaving more damage in their wake. What can you do to minimize that impact? (more…)
FTC Workshop on GLBA Safeguards Rule
Seeking input on proposed changes to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act’s Safeguards Rule, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) conducted (more…)
Important Updates to the GLBA Safeguards Rule – How Might it Affect Your Company?
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
has been vaguely requiring financial institutions to use “reasonable” security controls since 1999. That is about to change. (more…)
What is Reasonable Cyber Security?
NetDiligence Cyber Risk Summit: What is Reasonable Cyber Security?
The panel provided an overview of the risk-based analysis process that substantiates the method, and presented the legal, regulatory, and security best-practice history that informs the method. Each participant presented why the method successfully substantiates the term “reasonable” in their work and provided anecdotes that illustrate how it has been used on (more…)
FTC Workshop to Examine Safeguards Rule
HALOCK partner, Chris Cronin, will be participating as a panelist in the FTC Safeguards Rule Virtual Workshop.
The session, “The Costs and Benefits of Information Security Programs” (more…)
The Current Challenge of Remote Work and Privacy
Prior to the pandemic outbreak, some 5.2 percent of U.S. employees worked remotely on a full time basis according to the U.S. Census. (more…)