Risk Assessments


Perfect security is not possible, feasible nor required by law. In fact, information security laws and regulations require that we provide “reasonable and appropriate” security through a well-defined risk management process.

Without a risk-based approach, organizations attempt to address information security requirements by either attempting to comply with a long list of security (more…)

Nice Infrastructure…. Mind If I Borrow it??

We talk a lot with our clients about the importance of due care and due diligence and how it impacts your infrastructure, especially when it comes to compliance and risk management.  In order to perform proper due diligence, it’s important to understand the nature of the attacks being directed against your infrastructure, the motivation behind them, and what steps are reasonable (more…)

Mobile Device Management

Mobile Device Management – What was once the primary strength of Blackberry, enterprise-grade security and manageability features are now available across the majority of mobile operating systems.  If your organization is considering the implementation of mobile technologies into your environment, you may find following comparison of mobile security and management capabilities from Infoworld to be very helpful: (more…)

Mobile Device Security

Mobile devices have become an important aspect of our personal and professional lives. In today’s networked world, we increasingly rely on mobile devices to access sensitive data on corporate networks. While the benefits of mobile devices is continually expanding, so are the risks. (more…)

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