Risk Assessments

Information Security Risk Assessment

A cyber security risk assessment goes beyond running a vulnerability scan and creating a prepackaged report.  A risk assessment is a holistic examination of your security infrastructure, technology, people, and processes to develop a list of organizational risks based on potential business impacts.  Whoa!  Let’s examine that last sentence. (more…)

Risk Assessments

We’re getting more and more demand for Cyber Security Risk Assessments these days.  What are they and what’s involved? (more…)

Who is safeguarding your customers’ sensitive data?

Sensitive Information Server

Who is safeguarding your customers’ sensitive data? I’ve been reading with wonder, as I’m sure many of you have, about the seemingly endless parade of breaches for companies small & large. Increasingly, it isn’t the company reporting the breach that is the cause of the issue; rather it (more…)

Security Resolutions for the New Year

As we welcome in the New Year, it’s common for people to make a few New Year’s Resolutions.  Let’s make a few New Year’s Information Security Resolutions!  This year I challenge you to resolve to do the following: (more…)

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