WIRED: Beware of Transfer Funds Requests Poster
Not so fast . . . an infographic
Employees strive to be efficient. But at what cost? Lean operations can benefit, but in the right areas. Cyber security requires due care.
Sometimes, offices may not have enough resources to securely operate. This requires existing staff to do much more in less time.
Secure your office speed limit with these friendly reminders on how to secure your (more…)
Your Employees are Targets. Social Engineering is Increasing.
Even with advanced technology and security, your data is still at risk. Studies indicate that hackers are focusing on your teams to gain access to your networks and information. Social engineering is on the rise. This is a method of manipulating your teams into performing actions in order for an unauthorized person to get access to your systems and data. (more…)
Infosec Poster: Payload
Prevent hackers from hitting the PAYLOAD with these cyber security awareness tips.
4 Important Steps to Take When Creating an Incident Response Plan
By Erik Leach, CISSP, SCF
Imagine coming home and finding your house broken into and some of your belongings missing. As you totter from room to room, you would probably feel anger, frustrated, disturbed and a little overwhelmed. At a vulnerable moment such as that, it probably would not be the best time to engage in critical decision making (more…)
We Just Gave Away Our Cyber Security Intellectual Property. It was the right thing to do.
Why a Chicago-Based Cyber Security Firm Just Released its Prized IP.
By Chris Cronin, ISO 27001 Auditor, Partner (more…)
HALOCK Supports Women’s Career Growth at WiCyS
Viviana Wesley, Managing Consultant at HALOCK, is used to being one of few women specializing in cyber security. But last week, for a change, she wasn’t alone. At the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Conference in Chicago, she was one of nearly a thousand participants from industry, academia, and areas of research who gathered for the organization’s fifth annual conference, designed (more…)
HALOCK Information Security Tip Posters
Download cyber security awareness tip posters for your office. Friendly reminders to your team and office of your security policies and procedures to keep your network safe.