Security Awareness

“The Walking Dead” and Windows XP

The IT world is preparing for one of its highest profile deaths on April 8th, 2014. Microsoft will be discontinuing security updates and technical support for Windows XP and its variants. Microsoft will not mourn, as their call to action is to migrate off of one of its most popular consumer operating systems in history. (more…)

A Word about the Target Data Security Breach

What happened to Target® last week is every business’ worst nightmare. We’ve received a number of inquiries regarding the security breach incident from concerned clients and friends and wanted to share a few insights. (more…)

Why should every organization embrace secure development?

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Secure development is not just for software companies and custom application development shops. Embracing secure development practices in IT and procurement functions within an organization ensures that reasonable and appropriate actions are exercised to achieve compliance to regulations and other cyber security requirements. (more…)

PHEATS OF PHISHING – Will you be prepared when it happens to you?

Phishing is by no means a new topic in today’s news. But the increasing complexity and targeted nature of attacks have evolved to a level of sophistication that is even phooling knowledgeable members of the IT community. The end result could just be embarrassing, but it could also cost millions of dollars, or your professional reputation. (more…)

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