Security Awareness training is required by PCI DSS
I often write about security awareness training, but it bears repeating periodically. Cyber security awareness training is required by some standards – the PCI DSS is pretty specific about requiring it. Security awareness training for the general employee population on at least an annual basis is a good idea. More technical training for IT (more…)
Security awareness training should be mandatory for every organization
You’ve probably seen it in the past. Economy swings, business takes a hit. What’s one of the first things that gets chopped from the budget? Cyber Security Awareness Training. (more…)
The Weakest Link in Cyber Security
Another great article by WSJ – this one on information security and employee cyber security awareness. Because hackers today are so advanced, applying all the security solutions at our disposal and shoring up the perimeter isn’t enough anymore. (more…)
Information Security Awareness Becoming More Mainstream?
Information Security Awareness – This morning on CNN, there was about five minutes spent talking about things like cloud security, the recent Sony and Lockheed Martin breaches, and the increased need to be aware of where our sensitive data is stored and how it’s being protected. (more…)
Fun with Social Engineering
I recently wrote about Security Awareness Training, and mentioned that a well-trained staff and general employee population can be a good deterrent against Social Engineering practitioners. Social Engineering is a service offering of Halock Security Labs, and it’s probably one of (more…)
Cyber Security Awareness Training – It’s the smart thing to do!
Cyber Security Awareness Training – There is plenty of technology that can be applied in all manner of ways to help protect against a breach, but if the employee culture doesn’t embrace being mindful of security, it makes the CISO’s job a little harder. (more…)