Cyber Security Best of Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Why Breaches of Web-Facing Assets are on the Increase
Think of a hacker as an enemy attack submarine. In warfare, a submarine lurks underwater, seeking victims. It may be probing the defenses of a shipping harbor to find weaknesses that can be exploited. Hackers perform a similar strategy today as they probe the web for internet-facing assets to find easy targets to breach and exploit. (more…)
Best of Breed: Bulldogs
Be cyber security awareness champion like the English and French bulldogs! If you follow these cyber security tips, Bully for You!
It’s Time to Get Serious About Phone Number Spoofing
Spoofing is a common threat in the cyber security world. (more…)
What is Cipher Stuffing and How is it Relevant?
“Cipher stuffing modifies the fingerprint of communications encrypted with secure sockets layer (SSL) and transport layer security (TLS).“
– Dark Reading (more…)
Know Where Your Next Attack is Coming From
At the CAMP IT Conference, HALOCK’s Todd Becker, Principal Consultant, and Steve Lawn, Senior Consultant, presented “KNOW WHERE YOUR NEXT ATTACK IS COMING FROM: Attack prediction and resource prioritization using community-sourced data.”