Threat Hunting Program

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) for Your Active Security Threats

Managed Detection Response

On the Hunt for Cyber Threats with MDR

Acquiring new technologies and retaining experienced security professionals are ongoing challenges for many organizations. To identify and react to threats effectively, companies need ongoing cyber threat monitoring solutions that deliver expertise, dedicated resources and advanced technology.

HALOCK’s Threat Hunting Program continually provides managed detection and response (MDR) for any indicators of compromise (IoC) — giving alerts, blocking improper access and delivering real-time cyber threat analysis. The goal is to reduce the average time to identify and contain a breach (dwell time) to less than two business days, a reduction of 99% from the industry average of 200+ days. Find your peace of mind today by contacting HALOCK.

Minimize Risk with Active Threat Management

The biggest threats to organizations? Undetected breaches and delayed remediation. Consider: The average time to identify a breach is 201 days, with the average containment time being 70 days*. This gives attackers almost a year to complete their mission — which could include everything from data exfiltration to installation of backdoors, accessing passwords and/or impacting business functionality. The result? Companies must be prepared to handle evolving cyber risk even as IT deployments expand to encompass cloud, mobile and IoT technologies. Because time is money, and lost time is something we all cannot afford.

Cyber Threat Hunting

Take Aim on Cyber Attacks

Implement a proactive system to continuously guard against threats and give you the valuable time you need to take action before your are seriously compromised. The Threat Hunting Program enables you to:

  • Detect attacks earlier
  • Contain threats
  • Reduce Mean Time to Identify (MTTI) and Mean Time to Contain (MTTC)

What is included in the Managed Detection and Response (MDR) or Threat Hunting Program ?

Vectors covered (Endpoint, Web, Network)

12 months of Daily Monitoring and Analysis It’s not enough to know that abnormal activity is occurring in your network — to take effective action, you need to know now. Daily threat monitoring and cyber threat analysis tools provide real-time data about ongoing system activity, in turn giving IT staff the data they need to make informed decisions and take immediate action.

Weekly Status Meeting / Project Updates IT security is never static. The threats faced by your organization change often as attackers look for new exploits and vulnerabilities. The cyber threat management program includes weekly status meetings that provide current activity summaries, details of any modifications made to combat cyber security threats, and recommendations for improving overall network defense.

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly Reporting Effective InfoSec frameworks depend on reliable data to both evaluate current impact and inform new deployments. That’s why our cyber threat intelligence offering provides daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly reporting — giving you the source data required to fine-tune security responses and frustrate cyber attackers.

Alerting and Incident Response Support Managing alerts and incident response protocols is a critical facet of successful information security risk management, but the sheer volume of alerts and response actions needed can quickly overwhelm local IT departments. HALOCK provides best-of-breed cyber threat monitoring, alerting and incident response support to both address emerging threats and simplify IT (information technology) management.

Real-time Containment Capabilities and Remediation Guidance Cyber attacks can happen anytime, anywhere. Mitigating their impact means meeting them head on, with real-time containment and protection. The Threat Hunting Program gives your team the ability to contain threats before they reach critical network functions, then analyze these threats to provide improved protection moving forward.

Security Resources – Tool Licensing, Management, and Tuning The right tools make all the difference in safeguarding endpoints and web-based applications. The Threat Hunting Program provides the threat management information security tools you need to reliably monitor endpoint and application activity, in addition to the security resources necessary to take action if threats are detected.

As cyber attacks such as ransomware increase, it’s best practice to continually enhance your threat management. Review how HALOCK’s Threat Hunting Program can strengthen your security posture efficiently and effectively.

Cyber Safeguard

MDR Threat Hunting Cyber Attack


The HALOCK Security Briefing is a review of significant events, trends, and movements that will influence how you manage cybersecurity, risk, and compliance. Our clients receive periodic overviews with an extensive report file on the topics discussed. This insightful document also includes reference links throughout the report for easy navigation and deeper research.

HALOCK Breach Bulletins
Recent data breaches to understand common threats and attacks that may impact you – featuring description, indicators of compromise (IoC), containment, and prevention.

HALOCK is a risk management and cybersecurity firm headquartered in Schaumburg, IL, in the Chicago area and services clients on reasonable security, risk assessments, and compliance throughout the US.

*Ponemon Institute: Cost of Data Breach Study

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