Cindy Kaplan2025-02-14T23:36:27+00:00Categories: HALOCK Breach Bulletin, HALOCK Pandemic Breach Bulletin, Healthcare, Modern Malware, Security Breach, Security Briefing, Security Incidents|Tags: attack, Hospital, Mespinoza|
Skimming the Surface of Information Theft in 2020
Social distancing may have limited (more…)
There’s Been an Incident! What’s the Plan?
2020 has been quite a (more…)
Cyber Security Case Study: When Ransomware Attacks and You Don’t Have Documented Data Inventory
HALOCK partnered with a Manufacturing company (more…)
Cyber Security Case Study: Ransomware at a Manufacturing Company
HALOCK contained and eradicated (more…)
HALOCK Pandemic Breaches Bulletin: When Ransomware Has Captured Data … But We Don’t Know What That Data Is
During the pandemic HALOCK and the information security (more…)
Why Breaches of Web-Facing Assets are on the Increase
Think of a hacker as an enemy (more…)
It’s Time to Get Serious About Phone Number Spoofing
Spoofing is a common threat in the cyber (more…)