Taking Care with Telehealth: Health Care. Cyber Care. Duty of Care.Social distancing and stay-at-home orders (more…)Cindy Kaplan2024-11-20T16:29:25+00:00Categories: Duty of Care Risk Assessment (DoCRA), Governance & Risk Management, Healthcare, Penetration Testing, Privacy, Reasonable Security | Reasonable Risk, Risk Assessments, Security Awareness, Third-Party Risk & Vendor Risk Management, WorkForce|Tags: ePHI, health, healthcare, HIPAA, medical, patient, physician, PPI, remote, telehealth, telemedicine, virtual health|
Chris Cronin at EXPO.health ConferenceThe 2019 EXPO.health conference is focused (more…)Cindy Kaplan2024-07-03T19:00:51+00:00Categories: Duty of Care Risk Assessment (DoCRA), Governance & Risk Management, HIPAA Compliance, Reasonable Security | Reasonable Risk|Tags: a risk assessment, Compliance, cyber, expo, health, healthcare, HIPAA, reasonable security, risk|