Threat Intelligence Services with Constella Intelligence

Threat Intelligence Services with Constella Intelligence2025-02-06T21:16:03+00:00

Threat Intelligence Services with Constella Intelligence

Organizations are subjected to increasingly targeted and frequent cybersecurity threats with a wide range of objectives such as ransomware, business email compromise, wire transfer fraud, and data theft. Those identified as high value targets by threat actors will be targeted personally. The best time to identify and stop an attack is before it happens.HALOCK utilizes the Constella Intelligence platform as a service to provide automated, continuous monitoring of an organization’s digital footprint, with ongoing identification of emerging threats on the Surface, Deep, and Dark Web. HALOCK has partnered with Constella Intelligence to provide flexible options to obtain Threat Intelligence Services for a fixed monthly or yearly fee.

What is Surface, Deep and Dark Web Threat Monitoring?

Dark Web Alert


The Surface Web refers to public content we access in our usual day-to-day web activity, using standard search engines and common browsers like Firefox, Edge, Chrome, or Safari.

Dark Web Monitoring Laptop


The Deep Web refers to content not indexed or searchable by standard search engines (like Google). Users must log into a site or have a specific URL or IP address to access the content or service. Some pages do not use common top-level domains (TLDs) such as .com, .gov, and .edu, so they are not indexed by search engines. Other pages explicitly block search engines from identifying the hosted content.


Dark Web Globe Lock


The Dark Web is a subset of the Deep Web that relies on connections made between trusted peers and requires specialized tools to access (like Tor and I2P) and can provide user anonymity. The most direct way to find pages on the Dark Web is to receive a link to the page from someone who already knows about the page. This is where most illicit activity occurs.


HALOCK Threat Intelligence Services with Constella Intelligence

Dark Web Consultant Employee

Employee Monitoring is focused on identifying emerging and existing threats on the Surface web and includes:

  • Initial onboarding and tuning of each employee asset.
  • Ongoing tuning and maintenance.
  • Identification of Exposed Identities.
  • Continuous Surface web scanning. (No Deep or Dark Web)
  • Identification of info stealers that may have impacted individual users.
  • Quarterly Reporting for each monitored employee.
  • Individual meetings with monitored employees to review threats that may require action.
Dark Web Executive Protection

Executive Monitoring is meant for individuals that may be specifically targeted due to their role within a company. Anyone that has access to potentially sensitive information can be a target. This service includes the previous monitoring components plus:

  • Continuous Deep, and Dark web scanning.
  • Continuous monitoring of social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, GitHub, YouTube, Blogger, V Kontakte, TikTok, Tumblr, Pastebin, Reddit, Picture) as applicable to each monitored Executive.


Cybersecurity Risk Brand Protection

Brand Protection addresses potentially harmful activity related to a company vs. individuals. Brand monitoring looks for the following:

  • Impersonation profiles of corporate profiles on social media.
  • Insider threats.
  • Exposed data.
  • Physical threats.
  • Mentions of brands or products or facility locations on the Dark Web.
  • Typo squatting of company domains.

Takedown Services address Surface and potentially Deep Web identified threats. HALOCK and Constella Intelligence will contact and work with the sources holding potentially threatening information to remove the content on a per request basis.


Why Choose HALOCK Threat Intelligence Monitoring as a Service?

HALOCK’s team, comprised of specialized consultants and engineers, understand security frameworks, risk management, and regulatory compliance requirements. We already have the skillsets to manage Threat Intelligence Monitoring successfully. HALOCK has created a service that provides flexible options including monthly and yearly service agreements. Additionally, retainer hours with HALOCK can be utilized to spare your organization from additional contracts, costs, and licensing fees. You’ll have access to HALOCK’s resources to enhance your Security Team and tailor your Threat Intelligence Monitoring services, at an exclusive price, to fit your unique business needs.

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